I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month: Here's What Happened

Are you ready to shake things up in the bedroom? I recently decided to take a little break from a certain bedroom activity, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. I had no idea how much pressure I was putting on myself until I let go of it for a while. If you're looking to spice things up in the bedroom, I highly recommend giving it a try. And if you're looking for some tips and support, check out this interracial chat room for some inspiration. Trust me, you won't regret it.


As a married couple, my husband and I have always prided ourselves on having a healthy and fulfilling sex life. We have been married for 10 years, and over the course of our relationship, we have always made an effort to keep the spark alive. However, recently I found myself feeling a bit burnt out and overwhelmed with all the responsibilities of daily life. As a result, I decided to take a break from giving my husband blow jobs for a month to see how it would impact our relationship and my own feelings about intimacy.

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The Decision to Stop:

The decision to stop giving blow jobs to my husband was not made lightly. It was a choice that I made after feeling like I needed some time to focus on myself and my own needs. I had been feeling overwhelmed with work, family obligations, and just the general busyness of life. I needed a break from the pressure of always feeling like I had to perform sexually, and I wanted to see if taking a step back would help me reevaluate my own desires and needs in the bedroom.

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Impact on Our Relationship:

Surprisingly, the impact of my decision to stop giving blow jobs to my husband was not as negative as I had anticipated. In fact, it actually opened up a lot of space for us to have more open and honest conversations about our sexual needs and desires. Without the pressure of feeling like I had to perform in a certain way, we were able to have more meaningful and intimate discussions about what we both wanted in the bedroom. This ultimately brought us closer together and strengthened our bond as a couple.

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Exploring Other Forms of Intimacy:

During the month that I stopped giving blow jobs to my husband, we found ourselves exploring other forms of intimacy. We focused more on sensual touch, deep kissing, and mutual masturbation. This allowed us to connect on a deeper level and explore new ways of being intimate with each other. It was a refreshing change of pace and brought a sense of novelty and excitement back into our sex life.

Reconnecting with My Own Needs:

Taking a break from giving blow jobs to my husband also allowed me to reconnect with my own needs and desires. I realized that I had been neglecting my own pleasure and focusing too much on making sure my husband was satisfied. This experience made me realize the importance of prioritizing my own pleasure and taking the time to explore what I wanted in the bedroom. It was a powerful revelation that has ultimately made me feel more empowered and in control of my own sexuality.

The Return:

After a month of taking a break from giving blow jobs, I decided to reintroduce this form of intimacy back into our sex life. However, this time it was on my own terms. I made it clear to my husband that I wanted to feel comfortable and in control, and that I would only engage in this activity when I felt truly ready and willing. This shift in mindset has made our sexual encounters more meaningful and fulfilling for both of us.

In conclusion, taking a break from giving my husband blow jobs for a month has been a transformative experience for both of us. It allowed us to reevaluate our sexual relationship, explore new forms of intimacy, and reconnect with our own needs and desires. It has ultimately strengthened our bond as a couple and made our sex life more fulfilling and satisfying. I would encourage other couples to consider taking a break from certain sexual activities in order to explore new ways of connecting with each other and prioritizing their own pleasure.